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Curious About Beach Paddle Ball Games? Ultimate Guide (2023)

Are you bored and looking for a fun, engaging hobby to fill your time? Look no further than the thrilling world of beach paddle ball games! Whether you’re lounging on the sandy shores of Tel Aviv, Rio de Janeiro, or your local beach, there’s one sight you’re bound to see – people engrossed in a lively game of Matkot, Frescobol, or Kadima.

These games, while distinct in their own right, share a common thread – they all involve paddles, a small ball, and infectious enthusiasm!

They’re not just games; they’re a testament to the universal love for beach sports and the joy they bring to players and spectators alike.

Beach paddle ball game featuring featured image "beach paddle sports" "motkot, frescobol, and kadima". 2 wooden paddles upright in the sand, blue rubber ball

In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of these beach paddle ball games.

We’ll explore their origins, understand the rules, and even share some tips to help you get started.

So, whether you’re a beginner or someone newly interested in these games, this beach paddle ball game guide is your one-stop resource.

Let’s get started!

beach, paddles, ball, beach paddle ball game

History & Origin of Beach Paddle Ball Games

2 people with white paddles

Beach paddle ball games have a rich and fascinating history that spans across continents and cultures.

Let’s delve into the origins of Matkot, Frescobol, and Kadima, and see how they’ve evolved over the years.

Matkot: The Israeli Beach Game

Matkot, often referred to as the national sport of Israel, is a popular beach game that has been played on the sandy shores of the Mediterranean for decades.

The word ‘Matkot’ in Hebrew translates to ‘rackets’, which is fitting given the game’s simple setup – two rackets and a small rubber ball.

Despite its simplicity, Matkot is a game that requires skill, agility, and a good dose of chemistry. It’s not about winning or losing; it’s about keeping the ball in the air for as long as possible.

Frescobol: Brazil’s Favourite Beach Pastime

Frescobol, like Matkot, is a game that’s synonymous with beach culture. Originating in Brazil, Frescobol is a common sight on the vibrant beaches of Rio de Janeiro.

The game is played with wooden paddles and a small rubber ball, with the objective being to maintain a rally without letting the ball touch the ground.

Over the years, Frescobol has gained international popularity and is now played on beaches around the world.

Kadima: A Fun Beach Game from the USA

Kadima, also known as paddle ball, is a beach game that originated in the United States. Similar to Matkot and Frescobol, Kadima involves two players, wooden paddles, and a small ball. The game is often played on the beach, with players striving to keep the ball in the air without letting it hit the ground.

These games, while distinct in their origins and nuances, share a common thread – they bring people together, foster a sense of community, and provide a fun and engaging way to combat boredom.

man hitting ball on the beach with a paddle


Understanding the Games: Matkot, Frescobol, and Kadima

While Matkot, Frescobol, and Kadima share similarities, each game has its unique characteristics and rules.

Let’s delve into the specifics of each game.

Matkot: The Non-Competitive Beach Paddle Ball Game

Matkot, the Israeli beach game, is unique in its non-competitive nature.

The objective is not to defeat the opponent but to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible. Players aim to hit the ball back and forth without letting it drop.

There are no winners or losers in Matkot, and there’s no specific court or field required to play. All you need is a pair of rackets, a small rubber ball, and a love for the game.

2 men playing beach paddle ball games

Frescobol: A Game of Agility and Skill

Frescobol, originating from Brazil, is a game of agility and skill. Like Matkot, the objective is to maintain a rally without letting the ball touch the ground.

However, Frescobol is often played at a faster pace, requiring quick reflexes and excellent hand-eye coordination.

The game is usually played with wooden paddles, which are larger and heavier than those used in Matkot, adding an extra layer of challenge to the game.

Kadima: The American Version of Beach Paddle Ball

Kadima, also known as paddle ball, is the American version of these beach paddle ball games.

The rules are similar to Matkot and Frescobol – players hit the ball back and forth, trying to keep it in the air without letting it hit the ground.

Kadima is often played with wooden paddles and a small rubber ball, making it a fun and accessible game for players of all ages and skill levels.

How to Play Beach Paddle Ball Games

2 people playing with paddles on the beach

Whether you’re playing Matkot, Frescobol, or Kadima, the basic rules remain the same. Let’s explore them now!

  1. Get the Equipment

    All you need to play these fun beach paddle ball games are two rackets and a small rubber ball. The rackets are usually made of wood, and the ball is light and bouncy.

  2. Find a Partner:

    These are generally two-player gamse. Find a friend, family member, or even a stranger on the beach to play with.

  3. Start the Game:

    The game starts with one player serving the ball to the other. The serve can be underhand or overhand, as long as it’s fair and playable.

  4. Keep the Ball in the Air:

    The objective is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible. Players hit the ball back and forth without letting it drop.

  5. No Scoring

    The game is about cooperation, not competition. The goal is to have a long, enjoyable rally.


  • Water


  • 2 Wooden paddles
  • 1 Rubber ball

Materials: Wood Rubber

Choosing the Right Equipment

2 beach paddles, ball, sandals.

The right equipment can make a significant difference in your beach paddle ball game. Whether you’re playing Matkot, Frescobol, or Kadima, you’ll need a sturdy pair of paddles and a durable ball. Here’s what you need to know:

Paddles: The Heart of the Game

Paddles for these games are usually made of wood, although you can also find ones made of plastic or carbon fiber. The choice of material can affect the weight and feel of the paddle, which in turn can influence your game.

  • Matkot Paddles: These are typically lightweight and easy to handle, making them perfect for long rallies. They’re usually made of wood and have a short handle and a large, round hitting surface.
  • Frescobol Paddles: These are larger and heavier than Matkot paddles, adding an extra layer of challenge to the game. They’re often made of teak wood, known for its durability and resistance to the elements.
  • Kadima Paddles: These are similar to Matkot paddles in size and weight. They’re usually made of wood and are easy to handle, making them suitable for players of all ages and skill levels.

Ball: The Essential Companion

The ball used in these games is small, light, and bouncy. It’s usually made of rubber or a similar material – very similar to a racquetball ball.

Some balls are softer and easier to hit, making them ideal for beginners. Others are harder and faster, providing a greater challenge for experienced players.

Choosing the Right Equipment

When choosing your equipment, consider your skill level and personal preferences. If you’re a beginner, you might want to start with a lightweight paddle and a soft ball. As you gain experience and improve your skills, you can upgrade to heavier paddles and faster balls.

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun. Choose equipment that you feel comfortable with and that enhances your enjoyment of the game.

Improving Your Game: Tips & Strategies

3 people playing on the beach

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there’s always room for improvement.

Here are some tips and strategies to help you up your game in Matkot, Frescobol, and Kadima.

General Tips

  1. Practice Regularly: Spend time each week playing the game, focusing on your technique and control. The more you play, the better you’ll get.
  2. Work on Your Hand-Eye Coordination: Practice exercises that improve this skill, such as juggling or bouncing a ball against a wall and catching it.
  3. Improve Your Reflexes: Incorporate activities into your routine that boost your reaction time, such as playing video games or participating in fast-paced sports.
  4. Learn from Others: Watch experienced players and learn from their techniques. Consider taking a lesson or joining a local club to get tips from more experienced players.

Remember, the goal is to have fun. Don’t stress too much about winning or losing. Instead, focus on improving your skills and enjoying the game.

Advanced Techniques & Strategies

man hitting ball on the beach, white sand

If you’ve mastered the basics of beach paddle ball games and are looking for a new challenge, here are some advanced techniques and strategies to take your game to the next level:

Improve Your Serve: A strong serve can set the tone for the rest of the game. Practice different types of serves, like underhand, overhand, and sidearm serves, to keep your opponent guessing.

Master Different Hits: In addition to the standard forehand hit, practice your backhand and overhead hits. This can give you more options during the game and make it harder for your opponent to predict your moves.

Work on Your Footwork: Good footwork can help you reach the ball faster and position yourself better for hits. Practice moving quickly and efficiently on the sand to improve your game.

Develop a Strategy: Instead of just trying to keep the ball in the air, develop a strategy. This could involve targeting your opponent’s weak spots, controlling the pace of the game, or setting up trick shots.

Practice, Practice, Practice: The best way to improve is to practice regularly. The more you play, the better you’ll get. Consider playing against more experienced players to challenge yourself and learn new techniques.

Remember, these techniques and strategies are meant to add an extra layer of challenge and fun to the game.

Health & Fitness Benefits of Playing Beach Paddle Ball Games

woman in bikini playing a beach paddle game

Playing beach paddle ball games like Matkot, Frescobol, and Kadima isn’t just a fun way to pass the time – it’s also a great way to stay fit and healthy.

Here are some of the health and fitness benefits you can enjoy from these games:

Physical Fitness

Playing these games is a great workout. It involves running, jumping, and swinging, which can help improve your cardiovascular fitness, strength, and agility. Plus, playing on the sand adds an extra layer of challenge, as it requires more effort to move compared to hard surfaces.

Coordination and Reflexes

These games require excellent hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes. Regularly playing can help improve these skills, which are beneficial in many other sports and daily activities.

Mental Health

Playing beach paddle ball games can also benefit your mental health. It’s a great way to relieve stress and improve mood. Plus, the focus required to play can help improve concentration and cognitive function.

Social Interaction

These games are often played in pairs or groups, providing a great opportunity for social interaction. Playing can help improve your communication skills and build a sense of camaraderie with other players.

Fun Way to Combat Boredom

Lastly, these games are a fun way to combat boredom. Whether you’re at the beach or in your backyard, a game of Matkot, Frescobol, or Kadima can provide hours of entertainment.

Beach Paddle Ball Game Variations

3 people playing on the beach

While the traditional games of Matkot, Frescobol, and Kadima are a blast, you can always spice things up with some different beach paddle ball variations.

Here are a few ideas to keep your beach paddle ball games fresh and exciting:

Multiplayer Games:

While these games are typically played with two players, you can easily adapt them for more. Try playing with three or four players, either in teams or every player for themselves.

This can add a new level of challenge and fun to the game.

Obstacle Course:

Add some obstacles to your playing field, like beach chairs, umbrellas, or even sandcastles. Navigating around these obstacles while keeping the ball in the air can make the game more challenging and exciting.

Target Practice:

Set up targets on the beach and aim to hit them with the ball. This can help improve your accuracy and control.

Timed Games:

Instead of playing without a time limit, try setting a timer. See how many hits you can get in a set amount of time or try to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible before the timer runs out.

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun. Feel free to come up with your own variations and rules. The possibilities are endless!

Top-Rated Beach Paddle Ball Sets in the Market

2 beach paddles and red paddle game ball in the sand

If you’re ready to dive into the world of beach paddle ball games, you’ll need the right equipment.

Here are some top-rated beach paddle ball sets that you can consider:

1. Pro Kadima Paddle Ball Set

This set is perfect for beginners and experienced players alike. It comes with two wooden paddles and a rubber ball.

The paddles are lightweight and easy to handle, making them ideal for long rallies.

2. Frescobol Carioca Beach Paddle Set

This set includes two high-quality teak wood paddles and a rubber ball.

The paddles are larger and heavier than typical beach paddle ball paddles, adding an extra layer of challenge to the game.

3. Matkot Israeli Beach Paddle Ball Set

This set is perfect for those looking to play the Israeli national beach game. It comes with two lightweight wooden paddles and a small rubber ball.

4. Beach Paddle Ball Game Set

This set includes two wooden paddles and a rubber ball. The paddles have a comfortable grip, and the set comes with a carrying case for easy transport.

5. Beach Paddle Ball Set Made in Brazil

This set includes two wooden paddles and a rubber ball. The paddles are made in Brazil and are designed for a fast-paced game of Frescobol.

Remember, the most important thing is to choose a set that you feel comfortable with and that suits your skill level. As you improve, you can upgrade to more advanced sets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) About Beach Paddle Ball Games

FAQ Man on computer looking confused. looking for answers, questions

Beach paddle ball games like Matkot, Frescobol, and Kadima are fun and engaging hobbies, but you might have a few questions about them.

  • Can these games be played by people of all ages?

    Absolutely! These games are suitable for players of all ages. They’re easy to learn, and the level of challenge can be adjusted based on the players’ skill levels.

    This makes them a great activity for families, friends, and even solo players looking to pass the time.

  • Do I need any special equipment to play these games?

    All you need to play these games are a pair of paddles and a small rubber ball. Some players also prefer to use a net, but it’s not necessary.

    The paddles and balls can be purchased separately or as part of a set.

  • Can I play these games anywhere, or do I need a specific type of court?

    One of the great things about these games is that they can be played almost anywhere – on the beach, in your backyard, at a park, or even indoors if you have enough space.

    There’s no need for a specific court or field.

  • Are there any rules I need to know before I start playing?

    The main rule in these games is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible. There are no points or winners or losers.

Conclusion: Beat Boredom with Beach Paddle Ball Games

girl with a paddle

Beach paddle ball games like Matkot, Frescobol, and Kadima are more than just a way to pass the time – they’re a testament to the universal love for beach sports and the joy they bring to players and spectators alike. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, these games offer a fun and engaging way to stay active, improve your skills, and beat boredom.

From understanding the origins and rules of these games to choosing the right equipment and improving your game, we hope this guide has provided you with everything you need to dive into the world of beach paddle ball games.

So, grab a paddle, find a partner, and get ready to have a ball!

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun. Whether you’re playing a casual game on a sunny beach or engaging in a friendly competition with friends, these games are all about enjoying the moment and making lasting memories.

Glossary of Terms:

  • Beach Paddle Ball Games: A category of games played on the beach with paddles and a small ball.
  • Matkot: An Israeli beach paddle ball game, often referred to as the country’s national beach game.
  • Frescobol: A Brazilian beach paddle ball game, known for its larger and heavier paddles.
  • Kadima: An American beach paddle ball game, similar in size and weight to Matkot.
  • Paddles: The equipment used to hit the ball in beach paddle ball games. They can be made of various materials, including wood, plastic, or carbon fiber.
  • Ball: The small, light, and bouncy object that players hit back and forth in beach paddle ball games.
  • Serve: The action that starts the game. One player hits the ball to the other player.
  • Rally: The continuous action of hitting the ball back and forth without letting it drop.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: The ability to track the ball with your eyes and hit it accurately with the paddle.
  • Reflexes: The ability to react quickly to the ball’s movement.
  • Beach Paddle Ball Set: A set of equipment for beach paddle ball games, usually including two paddles and a ball.
Man hitting ball, sky

External Resources

Beach paddle ball game featuring featured image "beach paddle sports" "motkot, frescobol, and kadima". 2 wooden paddles upright in the sand, blue rubber ball